I Am So Tired
Ever just been so tired that you can’t think? That’s me today.
I put up sound foam covering about 1/4 of my office on Wednesday, and also ended up working a 16 hour day.
Then thursday I was running around like crazy all afternoon with my wife, making up for the time lost on Wednesday.
It’s the end of the day on friday, and all I want to do is sit on the couch and watch television.
So much work left to do. So many bins to fill. So many beverages to drink. Just tired.
So for tech news, I upgraded my cable modem. Went from a docsis 3.1 with dual 1gbe connections to a docsis 3.1 with a 2.5gbe port. Finally broke the 1000mbps barrier on speedtest. Can’t complain at all.
So I guess I’ll get back to work in my office either later tonight or tomorrow. I want to be able to play wow and not feel guilty that there’s junk on the floor.